1/24 - HHS and CUW Hockey Mental Health Awareness Games
Thank you CUW and HHS Hockey, CUW Athletic Director Dr. Rob Barnhill, HHS Coach Tony Navarre, the players, and all who attended to help raise greater awareness and to support local hockey.
10/23 - AFSP "Out of the Darkness" Walk
A group of us participated in the annual "Out of the Darkness" walk at Veteran's park. The CKCK Foundation (with the support from family and friends) donated to help support the AFSP (the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention).
11/22 - HHS and CUW Hockey Mental Health Awareness Games
Thank you CUW and HHS Hockey, CUW Athletic Director Dr. Rob Barnhill, HHS Coach Tony Navarre, Bank Five Nine, Oz Community Therapies, and all those who attended to help raise awareness as well as support local hockey.
10/22 - AFSP "Out of the Darkness" Walk
Cindy and John participated in the annual "Out of the Darkness" walk at Veteran's park. A donation was made in Cam's memory on behalf of the CKCK Foundation, the Kranich family and friends to support the AFSP (the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention) cause.
1/22 - HHS Hockey Mental Health Awareness Game
Thank you HHS and CHS Hockey, Rocco Cicirello, Coach Tony Navarre, Oz Community Therapies, all those who helped plan and all who attended to help raise awareness and pay tribute.